Onward Therapy and Wellness, Dallas Texas

Therapy for Chronic Pain

Many people who experience chronic pain struggle to find treatments that work, or providers who understand chronic pain. As such, many suffer for far too long. We’re here to tell you that chronic pain is treatable! However, a good chronic pain treatment approach must be integrative. In order to properly treat chronic pain, finding an attachment-informed trauma therapist is essential.

Therapy for depression in Dallas, TX

We’re glad you’re here. You’re on your way to finding relief and building the life you want for yourself.

Wondering if therapy is for you?

We believe therapy is for anybody. If you struggle to feel connected to yourself or others because of your physical health symptoms, therapy is for you. Maybe you even have a hard time connecting with yourself, feeling truly present in your body. If so, then therapy is for you. These are just a few examples of common experiences that show how difficult life can be when managing chronic conditions or symptoms.

Treatment for chronic symptoms associated with chronic health conditions involves neuroscience-based methods designed to shift pain pathways in the brain. This means that your treatment team will help your brain move from chronic pain functioning to acute pain functioning.

There are a number of neuroscience-based strategies and therapies that are used to treat pain-related issues and attain sustained relief. To put it bluntly, nothing about chronic pain is simple. It’s complex and looks different for each person. Therefore, a multidimensional approach to assessment and treatment planning is required.

What to look for in a Chronic Pain Therapist

You have probably looked all over for a therapist who can help. Perhaps you’ve even tried working with multiple people who simply were not able to help. We get that and we’re here to help.


We’ve identified some things to look for in a therapist if you’re dealing with these issues or having trouble managing symptoms that often come with chronic health conditions.


  1. A good therapist MUST believe you. They must understand that your pain is real. Your therapist will understand that pain is a psychophysiological process, and not “all in your head.”
  2. They’ll also understand the neurobiological processes involved in chronic pain. Pain is perceived by the brain and can be alleviated through targeted psychological interventions.
  3. Therapists specialized in this area will be able to facilitate an improved mind-body connection. The key is to help you get back into your body and back into your life. Your therapist will need to help you with making functional improvements in your day-to-day life so that you can get back to feeling like yourself, and doing the things you enjoy.

You don’t have to go through it alone. Seeking professional support is crucial. Wellness professionals at Onward Therapy & Wellness provide specialized guidance to help you navigate the therapy process. Schedule a free consult to start your journey toward healing and recovery. Onward together.

"Trauma is not what happens to you. Trauma is what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you."